Saturday, May 3, 2008

The New Man in My Life

I recently brought a new man home to live with us. Dan seems to be okay with it, but I don't think he realizes how in love I am with him. Please don't tell him! But I have a super-d-duper crush on BOB. Yup, BOB. BOB is VERY easy to push around and he carries BOTH of the boys, my water, Carter's snack, bread for the ducks, and anything else we might need without complaining. In case you haven't guessed, BOB is our new jogging stroller. We ended up bringing BOB home from REI after doing tons of research and stalking Craigslist for what seems like forever. REI was having a huge sale and we also had a coupon. If we were going to get a stroller that we could actually use, it was going to have to be BOB. He is such a joy he makes exercising fun!

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