Friday, May 30, 2008


For as long as Dan and I can remember, Carter has been completely and totally obsessed with school buses. He absolutely LOVES them! When he sees one he always hollers out "BUS!", and he gets all excited and tells me to hurry up and get his backpack so he can get on the bus. We used to take early walks around the neighborhood just to watch the buses pick up the children and carry them off to school.
As I was pulling into the BJ's parking lot yesterday, we saw a school bus in the parking lot. I got the boys out of the car and started heading towards the store. As we approached the front door, the bus started rounding the corner and stopped in front of the store. I stopped to let Carter watch the people get on the bus and he started jumping up and down he was so excited. THEN, the bus drive said, "Want to get on?". Holy moly, our lucky day. Carter was FINALLY going to get on a school bus. It was so super sweet of the driver to offer, I could just kiss her! He ran up the stairs and sat down without even looking behind him. He had a smile plastered on his face from ear to ear. I was so happy for him.
We spent a minute or two on the bus, and Carter was so thrilled. I feel sorry for him though, because he will be home schooled, he won't have the whole bus know, gum in the hair, spit out and then back in the window, fist fights, pushing, bullying...oh, wait...maybe I don't feel so sorry for him after all. Anyways, we had a great day yesterday.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I didn't know you were home schooling! Good for you!