Thursday, May 22, 2008

Junk Food

The boys and I recently went to Eastern Tennessee to visit with my parents. While we were there, Carter quickly discovered how to open the pantry. Inside the pantry was all sorts of goodies that were quickly coined "junk food". One morning, after several desperate attempts to invade the pantry's goodness, I had to peel Carter away and bring him into the other room. I calmly explained to him that cookies and candies are junk food, and that they are not good for us. He quickly retorted through his tears as though I was denying him of oxygen, "I need junk food".
After days of swatting Carter away from the pantry, I was looking forward to coming back home where our pantry is on lock down, aka child-proofed. When we woke up this morning, I offered Carter several breakfast options; banana, cereal, eggs, toast...etc. He acted as though they were all torture. I turned to him and asked what he would like to have. Any guesses as to what he said? Yup, he replied, "I want junk food please". He ended up eating an orange after he realized I was NOT going to give in. (Mom, please remind me to bring a child-proof door knob thingey-dingey with me the next time we come!).

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