Monday, May 26, 2008

NC Zoo

After waking up early this morning, we decided to spend our Memorial Day at the Asheboro Zoo. We picked up Grammie, who was sweet enough to come with us, and arrived at the zoo by 10:00 this morning. The parking lots were already filling up quickly, so we prepared ourselves for quite a crowd. The weather was beautiful so we took our time and enjoyed the day. Carter and Camden were great, with only a threat of a meltdown. This was our first trip to the zoo with the boys so we were excited to show Carter all the animals.
The zoo prides itself on tremendously realistic habitats for the animals. However, because the exhibits are so realistic, and large, it was hard to see the animals. Once we arrived in the North America region, Carter enjoyed playing on the playground and the polar bear and sea lions did not disappoint, we saved the best for last.
When it was time to go, about 5 hours later, Dan heard that there was a four mile traffic back up all the way back to HWY 64 and that the zoo was turning people away because the parking lots were full. So, as a public service announcement from me to you, don't go to the zoo on Memorial Day. It was packed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunday wasn't too bad! We always go on Sunday mornings first thing to get at least an hour or two before the crowds start arriving. But we got there just after opening and got a pretty close parking place. When we left, though, the lot was PACKED! We have also learned from past experience to only do half the zoo, and save the other half for next time. Makes it MUCH more manageable (but we have a membership to the aquariums and the zoo, so it's *free*). This time we just did Africa, and we were exhausted! You do have to get lucky with the animals, though - another reason to go early and start off strong!