Thursday, March 13, 2008

Holy Water Conservation Batman!

Okay, so the town of Holly Springs has mentioned to us several times that we are to be stewards of our water. So, what better way to save water than at bath time? Right? So, sorry if this totally grosses you out, but we used, used again, and re-used our bath water today.
I ran Carter's bath water and put him in. Then, I put Camden in and washed him off. Then, when I was getting into the shower, Carter insisted that I get into the tub with him. So, while I was in there, I thought... awww, why the heck not!? I went ahead and took a bath. Then (I know, it just keeps going), Oreo needed a bath, so I threw him in. Carter and I had already gotten out of course. But if that isn't saving water, I don't know what is! Four baths in one.

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