Sunday, March 30, 2008

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Good news first... Carter kicked his fever within 24 hours, and seems to be as good as new. Bad news? Well, Dan has fallen victim to the flu bug. He has been ill since Friday, and his fever spiked up to 104 last night. And me? I'm not sick... just REALLY tired! Camden has turned into a super-human baby that has required little to no sleep for the last few weeks. (Chris, could you come up with a good name for our little superhero? A little humor just might be what the doctor ordered!) I made my way into Dan's room (he's still sleeping in the Man Den) this morning to drop off a wide awake Cam around 6:30 this morning and go back to bed. But instead, Carter woke up and Dan went back to sleep- forcing me to function. So, we are quite a sad sight. I think it is safe to say we need a vacation badly. Again, I hope you are all healthy! I promise I'll do my best to ensure my next post is a happy post...

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