What is it about boys and this noise being so funny?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Still Really Sick
Dan is still very ill. His fever oscillates between 101 and 104 and this has been going on for the past three days or so. Please keep us in your prayers! We have been canceling patients left and right, and that is NO good!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Are We Having Fun Yet?
Good news first... Carter kicked his fever within 24 hours, and seems to be as good as new. Bad news? Well, Dan has fallen victim to the flu bug. He has been ill since Friday, and his fever spiked up to 104 last night. And me? I'm not sick... just REALLY tired! Camden has turned into a super-human baby that has required little to no sleep for the last few weeks. (Chris, could you come up with a good name for our little superhero? A little humor just might be what the doctor ordered!) I made my way into Dan's room (he's still sleeping in the Man Den) this morning to drop off a wide awake Cam around 6:30 this morning and go back to bed. But instead, Carter woke up and Dan went back to sleep- forcing me to function. So, we are quite a sad sight. I think it is safe to say we need a vacation badly. Again, I hope you are all healthy! I promise I'll do my best to ensure my next post is a happy post...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ten Things I Love To Do (Lauren Made Me Do It!)
10. I love to save money! Now, this will be up for serious debate with my husband. But, seriously, I can't resist a good deal. I am the second hand Queen! I have been known to make a killing at garage sales and on Craigslist (Thanks to Matt and Lauren for introducing Mr. Craig's list to me). Also, just so you know, don't ever get in your car with intentions to make a purchase without going online and printing out a coupon first! There are also tons of promotion codes you can use for all those online purchases. If they're there, I WILL find them.
9. I love to watch movies. After a busy day, week, month, year...etc, there is nothing like a good 2 hour escape from reality. I think I will plan on escaping this weekend sometime now that I mention it. Ahhhhh, so refreshing.
8. Speaking of refreshing, I LOVE to go swimming!!!
7. I love going to the mountains. I really enjoy the beach, but there is nothing like vacationing in the mountains. The cool crisp evenings, the deafening silence, the wildlife...the mountains are so rejuvenating. I was born in the Catskills (NY) and when I moved down to NC, I left a piece of me up there. A few of my favorite places are upstate New York, Colorado, the POCONOS, the Appalachians, and Squaw Valley California.
6. I love to walk away from church feeling moved by the message. What a great feeling!
5. I love to be present during a birth for a couple as their doula. It is such a wonderful and seriously humbling privilege. I love to read and talk about anything pregnancy, labor and childbirth or just plain baby related.
4. I love a good ROAD TRIP! Not that kind of road trip that lasts for 17 hours to attend a funeral, the kind that ends with a few days in Orlando...Disney World anyone? Dan and I always make a yearly trek up North to the Cleveland area to spend some quality time with his family and to do some serious vegging! We are counting down the days... Here we come Michele! Hope you are ready for us.
3. I love spending time with my friends and family. We are all loud and obnoxious! There is just no other fun quite like our family get-togethers. Spending time at my parents' house is a vacation unlike any other. I love spending time with my Mom, and my Dad cracks me up. Not to mention that when there is a bunch of people around, there is always someone to help watch the kiddos!
2. I love to watch my boys sleep, cuddle with them, and smell them!!! (Yes, I know that's three- cut me some slack)
1. I love to spend time with Dan. Any kind of time, but childless time is always preferred. He doesn't realize it, but just having him in the same room is comforting. I am so bored, lost and confused without him being around. (He would probably say I am always lost and confused!) But seriously though, I just love being with him even if we are both lost in the stressful shuffle of parenting.
That's it? Wow, I should have made the list Twenty Things I Love To Do. Maybe next time, there is sleep to be slept. Now it's my turn...I tag you Christine, Ava and Tara! Write those lists. Hey, and would it kill you AMY to update your blog for the first time in six months?!?!?!?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Not Again!
Holy Bananas, this poor kid can't catch a break! Carter is sick again. I should have realized something was not right when he told me he was cold, he is usually always warm like I am. THEN, this should have been the flaming red flag, he refused the complimentary kiddo sugar cookie at the grocery store. When we returned home, he was pale, went straight to the couch and started running a fever of 102.5. So, we hunker down waiting for the next wild fire to ravish our household. I hope all of you are healthy!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Some things I have learned recently about motherhood:
1. If you are having a slow day, and don't care if your kids throw tantrums, they won't. (Hmmmm, maybe there is a lesson to be learned here.)
2. Kids will eat ANYTHING as long as there is enough butter or ranch dressing on it.
3. You cannot, I repeat CANNOT, teach a little boy to keep every last molecule of sand in a sandbox. It just cannot be done, deal with it.
4. DO NOT get your kids a sandbox unless you enjoy your kitchen floor reminding you of all your favorite times at the beach.
5. I need a ROOMBA, badly!
6. Sand and bubbles can be pretty therapeutic for adults.
Easter Celebration
Here is a shot of Little Bo Dan.

The big bunny also brought Carter a bubble blowing machine.
(I think he really brought it for me though.)

And...after everyone was gone, and the kitchen cleaned, this is where Carter sat until it was time for bed. He would have slept here if we had let him.

Carter has been very desperate for a sandbox. Here, you see Dan's substitution...dirt in a box. As you can see, Carter doesn't mind.

Carter thought coloring Easter eggs was great! His favorite part was pouring the dye out into the kitchen sink.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Random Thought for Friday
I have been wondering about something this morning. "They" (experts I assume) say that a car seat should be discarded in the event of a car accident, even a minor car accident, and regardless of whether or not the seat was occupied, makes sense I guess. So this is what bewilders me...
We ordered a new car seat for Carter to go in Dan's car a few weeks ago. When it arrived, the box looked like it had been delivered by UPS, you know what that looks like. So, during transit, doesn't a car seat sustain quite a bit of trauma? Probably enough trauma to equal 5 or more fender benders I would imagine. You would think that a car seat being thrown about, stacked, and crushed would render it useless upon arrival. Go figure.
"A Morning Mama"
Carter is so darn cute...I could just squeeze him!!! When I go into his room in the mornings to get him up, he lovingly says, "A morning Mama, a morning". It is so sweet. He says Good Morning several times throughout the day, he doesn't quite understand what it means yet.
I need to include a Camden update here. CamCam is rolling from his back to his belly, and vice versa, regularly now. He also discovered his hands a while ago and enjoys all the fun things they can do. When he wakes up in the morning he puts them up in the air and moves them around examining them.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Major Bummer
After last nights disappointing charade, Dan and I settled in for a good night's rest. What we got however was something different. We ended up passing like two ships in the night, not because the boys were up, but because we were both sick. Dan and I both have the virus funk that poor Carter was stricken with for seven whole days! Uh.
Oh, What a Cruel Joke
Dan decided to surprise me with a special gift for Valentine's Day- he purchased George Winston (a most talented pianist) tickets for last night. We were able to find someone to come over and watch the boys, so the planning ensued. We had to arrange a time with the sitter and cancel patients to make sure Dan was home on time for our departure.
Well, the evening finally came and Dan was home on time, the sitter arrived right when she was scheduled to, and the boys were all ready to go- thanks to a frantic hour of preparation. We had to make sure we left in a timely manner because the concert was all the way up in Carrboro- a good 45 minutes away. We hurried out the door with tickets and directions in hand. Dan drove like he was trying out for the next Motor Cross, because he could (this is how he explains it), and after stopping to ask for better directions we finally arrived at the Arts Center.
When we arrived, we noticed that there were quite a few empty spots. Hmmmmm, had we found the correct location? We parked and anxiously walked to the front door, we wanted to make sure we had good seats as they were first come, first serve. When we got to the front door, we noticed a little sign, a sign that stated: "George Winston, originally scheduled for March 17th, has been rescheduled for February 24th." HUH? How could we have missed it? No one told us that he was to perform early! Then we noticed the date again, the date of reschedule was February 24th, 2009! Oh, dear. All dressed up and nowhere to go, we headed out for a small dinner while listening to George play his piano through Dan's MP3 player. It was definitely not the same.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
On the Mend
Carter is finally feeling better. His appetite is finally coming back, slowly, after not eating for seven days. He still will not go near crackers or juice, which is completely understandable. He is so afraid he will get sick again. He has lost about 2-3 pounds and his diapers and pants are too big for him now. We hope that this virus goes far, far away and never comes back!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Holy Water Conservation Batman!
Okay, so the town of Holly Springs has mentioned to us several times that we are to be stewards of our water. So, what better way to save water than at bath time? Right? So, sorry if this totally grosses you out, but we used, used again, and re-used our bath water today.
I ran Carter's bath water and put him in. Then, I put Camden in and washed him off. Then, when I was getting into the shower, Carter insisted that I get into the tub with him. So, while I was in there, I thought... awww, why the heck not!? I went ahead and took a bath. Then (I know, it just keeps going), Oreo needed a bath, so I threw him in. Carter and I had already gotten out of course. But if that isn't saving water, I don't know what is! Four baths in one.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Stock Update...
Quick! Everyone buy stock in All Free and Clear laundry detergent! Hurry, hurry, hurry. The way we are doing laundry around here, the stock is bound to shoot up through the roof!!! Just don't tell Martha...
Still Sick
Carter is still very sick and running a high fever. We are starting to worry about him becoming dehydrated because it's coming out both ends now (sorry for the TMI). It's amazing how fast little people waste away when they don't eat for four days. We were hoping he would be feeling better by now. Poor guy. Please pray along with us that he will recover very soon.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Poor Car Car
Unfortunately Carter has come down with some kind of bug and he has a fever of 102. He woke up yesterday...well, lets just say quite a mess. Poor guy. Thank goodness my Mom was here to come to the rescue! He had a fever and yuckiness all day yesterday, and he is STILL sleeping at 8:15 this morning. I know he doesn't feel well if he sleeps from 6:30 until now. Now, if we can just avoid the whole family falling victim, Dan and I are feeling queasy, so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
Toilet Paper Peril
We are so pleased to say that Carter has days where he uses the potty 3-4 times! We are so proud. Here, you see the Toilet Paper Chief in action. This rare shot was captured as he assisted a needy lady. Look at that toilet paper execution. Absolutely flawless!
Table for Two Please
Carter and I enjoyed lunch for two the other morning. Carter was pleased to serve each of us grapes, a strawberry, and even a purple egg! Carter made sure we each had a spoon, a napkin, and even REAL water from the fridge. It was a delicious and very pleasant meal. We highly recommend dining at The White Toy Chest restaurant. The service was supreme!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
change Cam's diaper
change Carter's diaper
tend to some emails and other computer business
take away the toothpaste from Carter
come back to the computer
wipe up some spit-up
look back at the screen, finish my work
tell Carter it is time for a bath
chase Carter around the house
put Carter in the tub
get in the shower
sing and make funny noises to keep the boys happy
get out of the shower
get Carter out of the tub
get Carter dressed
get me dressed
(meanwhile, poor Squishy is being moved around from spot to spot and randomly placed about as though I am trying to find my favorite location to place my newest decorative object)
get Squishy dressed
calmly convince Carter (even though I am totally freaking out on the inside) to un-barricade himself from the bathroom and come on out
take the cough-drops, band aids, and various hygiene objects away from Carter
wait for Carter to stop crying
go downstairs
let Oreo out
feed the fish
get Carter's "appa" juice and feed him breakfast
let Oreo in
feed Oreo
sit-down to feed Camden
read Carter a book while feeding Camden
put Camden in swing for nap
finish reading book
go outside and clean Oreo's ears
wash hands
go play with Carter
put a waking Camden back to sleep
calm Carter down from his latest boo-boo (he has a lot of these when I need to tend to the baby)
cuddle with Carter
UH! change Carter's diaper
demand Carter stop riding his loud wooden bike around the house, Cam's sleeping!
take Carter's bike away, for now
calm a crying Carter
Carter's cries wake up Camden, pick him up...uh! another diaper to change
change Camden...big mess...clean him up
go upstairs with our new found pile of laundry
start a load of laundry
get Camden re-dressed for the day
go back downstairs
take Oreo's food out of his water dish
unload the dishwasher and straighten up the kitchen
everyone's happy...maybe I can eat now
NOPE! Camden has spit up and needs another changing
go upstairs clean up Camden
change my shirt
go back down stairs
Carter's "appa" juice is all over the floor
clean up "appa" juice off the floor and off the inside of Carter's tractor
take away Daddy's toothbrush from Carter (sorry Honey, but he plays with it... a lot! he he)
put Thomas track back together for a whining Carter
catch my breath
look at the clock
it is ONLY 7:30am!!! Holy Guacamole it is going to be a long day.
Dan comes home around noon for lunch
we sit down to eat
we start talking:
Me to Dan: "Hey. Honey. I have a question for you. What do you picture me doing back here at home while you are at work having intelligent adult conversation?"
Dan to Me: "I picture you sitting on the couch."
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Time for Some Horn Toot'in
I have been suffering from some ailments lately, and just generally not feeling very well. I have been having a headache, shooting pain down my right arm, and a very sore neck. I have "spells" of not feeling well and the pain makes me dizzy and nauseous. So...
I made an appointment to see my husband (how funny is that- I TOO have to call for an appointment). He adjusted me and all of my symptoms are gone! The poor man never gives himself any credit, he is way too humble, but I have to toot his horn on this one. He is a Master of his Art, that is for sure. I love him- he ROCKS!!! :) My neck thanks him also. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Out With the Old, in With the New!
you can see the green living room in the background.

We seemed to have had a knack for picking the EXACT color family. You can barely notice a difference between the new color and the existing walls around it. We wanted the colors to match, but I don't think we could do this again if we tried! Out of literally millions of colors out there, we choose the exact same color. Luckily we went a slight shade darker. The two walls in the bottom of the picture used to be the green.
They're kind of a soft taupe color. Very neutral, and the best part is both Dan and I love it!

So Much to do, so Little Time
We've had a pretty successful last few days. There has been a ton of things on our to-do list for quite some time now. Over the last few days; rooms and closets have been cleaned and organized, we reorganized baby clothes and prepared a bunch of stuff for an upcoming consignment sale, returns have been made, tons of laundry has been washed/folded/ and put away, beds made with nice new fresh sheets, new car seats have been installed, rooms have been painted, the lawn mowed, the front steps fixed, I cut Dan's hair, grocery store trips have been made, the floors have been vacuumed...etc. I just can't believe how much you can get done when you put your mind to just getting it all done!!! We even had time to catch a Sunday matinée with our friends Jeff and Chrissy.
We went ahead and put Camden in his new big-boy car seat today. Amazon.com had a HUGE sale on Britax car seats, and Camden was absolutely miserable in his baby carrier, so the timing seemed impeccable. Our poor little Squish cried the WHOLE time he was in the car in his old car seat. Carter did the same thing. I don't think I would recommend the Britax Companion to anyone. It really is one of the safest seats, but babies hate the head support.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Bits & Pieces
- Why is it that when you tell everyone how well your baby has been sleeping, they start waking up every hour during the night? What causes this?
- When Carter looks for Camden, and then finds him, he proudly announces, "There you are, you found me!".
- Camden smiles and giggles when he sees Carter. We can't get enough of this.
- Carter LOVES to brush his teeth. What this means, however, is that he walks around with a toothbrush in his mouth, one in his hand, and digs through all of our drawers to find more.
- For all of you who lovingly fibbed to us and proclaimed your love for the army green living room we once had...it's GONE! It is no longer green. Ah, shucks.