Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Day From H-E Double Hockey Sticks

Today was going pretty smoothly. I had to prepare a few meals for a friend who just had a baby and bring them by for dinner. I left the house around 4:00 and headed to Durham, but I had to stop by the bank first. I waited in line for the teller for 5 minutes and then he took my deposit, it took him 10 minutes to process it because he was talking inside with a friend. I grabbed my receipt and sped off only to find out that he had shorted me almost $600! UGH! I had to go back and wait all over again for him to fix it. I finally made it to Durham around 5:00 and dropped off the food. After my brief visit I was nervous about returning home to Holly Springs on Hwy 55 because of the traffic, but I decided to take a deep breath and go for it, no rush. The traffic was bumper to bumper and I had to stop a few times to calm Camden down. Carter was starting to whine, loudly, and I couldn't wait to get home. "We're almost there boys, hang in there!" I was saying as I approached the intersection of US 1 and Hwy 55. As soon as I got to the intersection I noticed a few fire trucks and we were immediately detoured onto US1 South towards Sanford. At this point I felt pretty darn inconvenienced, but I had no idea how bad it would get. As I was approaching the first exit, which was four or five miles down US1, I noticed that there was no traffic headed in the other direction on US1 North. How the heck am I going to get home!? I pretty much started having a panic attack and started crying. Carter was crying for food and I was able to find emergency peanuts in the glove box- THANK GOD! I was TIRED and I couldn't imagine the boys lasting another minute. Dan couldn't find anything on the news about the congestion and there was nothing on the radio- he even called the Apex police, but they wouldn't tell him what was going on. I saw tons of helicopters hovering above, and there were cop cars EVERYWHERE. We figured that there was a chemical or bomb scare or something. To make a L O N G story short, I ended up exiting in New Hill and traveled North up Old US1. All the right hand turns were blocked off with flares and police cars and traffic was quickly piling up, it was a nightmare! As soon as I started to find my way into downtown Apex, Carter started complaining about a moog (booger). I couldn't imagine why the heck a booger would hurt so bad. He then told me that he stuck a peanut up his nose and he starting panicking and crying out for daddy. I had to pull out of traffic and whip the van over to preform nasal surgery on Carter to remove a peanut. I couldn't help but laugh at all the shenanigans. The traffic was so bad into Apex and down Ten-Ten Rd. that I had to go all the way to Hwy 64 to Kildaire to get home. It was NOT FUNNY! To top it all off, the Check Engine light turned on as I pulled into the driveway. It took 2 1/2 hours to get home. As it turns out a cement truck spilled some cement. So why in the heck did they not tell people to stay away from that area? When there is a silly little fender bender they put it all over the news. How stupid. It was already time for bed when we got home...what a waste of gas!


Chrissy said...

we were right there with ya sister. what a mess.
at least tomorrow is a new day! :-)

Christine said...

Oh my gosh!!! How awful. I can't even imagine the stress.