Friday, April 11, 2008

Trip to Atlanta

We recently took a trip down to Atlanta for Dan to attend a seminar and for me to spend some time with a dear friend. I was terribly worried about traveling with CamCam, but as it turned out Carter was the one that I should have worried about! He was so obnoxious! I can't really blame him though, because our day started off with running errands to prepare for our trip...the grocery store, the pet store, dropping Oreo off at our most gracious friend's house, and I even squeezed in a haircut for Carter. So, by the time we got in the car to start our trip, the boys were DONE with the car. One of the funniest moments (not funny while it was occurring however) was when Carter refused to stop imitating Dori from Finding Nemo. He sat in the backseat for over an hour, while Camden and I were trying to sleep, making whale noises (remember when Dori "speaks" in whale?) and kicking my seat. At least HE thought it was cute. We ended up having a great visit with our friends, even though brief, and our trip home went very quickly...thank God!

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