Sunday, December 9, 2007


Well we are getting used to our "new normal"
(Thanks Becky for the term) with 2 to take care of. Bonnie's mom
(Janice or "Na Na") left on Friday and left us here to fend for ourselves. Camden hasn't been the best at night at this point, but that is to be expected. We hope that unlike Carter, Camden grows out of the waking up at night 15 times before he is 1 year old.
Monday will be the true test for Bonnie as it will be the first weekday without help. Please pray for her as she will most likely need it.

Carter asks often to hold Camden. It is still very cute to see. Here is a video from this morning. Typically he will hold him about 1-2 mins and then pretty much push him back to us. Quite funny.

We have been getting out and about with both Carter and Camden. This helps keep the sanity levels up. We have this monster stroller now that I can hardly pick up, but it sure works well. Before we know it, we'll wonder what life was like before Cam Cam.

We drove around with the boys looking at Christmas lights the other night, and we were treated to a much more spectacular light show. The sunset was so beautiful that we drove around until it was gone just so we could continue to stare at it!

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