Thursday, December 13, 2007

2 Weeks Old

Well, Camden is already 2 weeks old. We can't believe how fast time is passing. Before we know it, Carter will be 4 and Camden will be 2! We need to remind ourselves to cherish this time with our boys. It is just so easy to wish the time away when you are dealing with the terrible twos and a newborn who is up at night.
Carter is still waking up around 5:30-6:00 am every morning. So, Dan gets him out of bed and hangs out with him until he has to leave for work at 6:55, at which time I have to come downstairs and function...regardless of how little sleep I have gotten the night before. Camden usually sleeps until 8:00 or so which leaves me with a good hour for Carter and mommy time.
My father, Pa Pa, came for a visit this past Sunday. He drove from Tennessee to Greensboro on Saturday and then from Greensboro all the way here, and back to Tennessee on Sunday. He was anxious to meet our new family member!
On another note, Camden's umbilical remnants finally decided to part ways the other day. We were able to give him his first "real" bath. I don't think he was very impressed though. I will post pictures later.
Tomorrow is Camden and my 2-week check up. I will post his new height and weight for those of you who are the least bit interested. We are planning on replacing our carpet throughout the house and we need to finalize our carpet selection this weekend. Other than that, we are just hanging out with our new family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Motherhood...again... It's no fun, but it gets better! Isn't it funny how we wonder WHY we thought this was a good idea when #2 was born LOL But soon enough they will be playing together and fighting together and laughing together and dancing together! And don't forget about your baby carriers! Put that huge honkin' double stroller away and whip out the Ergo for Mr. Baby. He'll enjoy it, you'll enjoy it, and Carter will enjoy it :) Still sending happy thoughts your way. I want to bring a meal soon...once I catch my breath on my end.