In between his temper-tantrums and completely unpredictable mood swings, Carter is one of the neatest kids I have ever met. Dan and I were talking about some of the cute things he says and does, and I wanted to make sure we didn't forget how fun he is.
- If I pick-up something that I have previously deemed as "Daddy's", I am immediately called on it by him. "No, no Mommy, that's Daddy's put that down" (as he takes away the item and places it back from where I originally picked it up).
- Today while at the mall, I told him we were going to go into the KB Toy store to pick out a special present for going poo-poo on the potty. He followed me half-way into the store and then turned his body and said, "Okay, look. Mommy, you go and pick it out. I'm going to go over here and watch the train. Okay?". The funny part was the way he negotiated everyone's proper places by pointing and using body language. He might be a lawyer one day. A good lawyer though. :)
- When we go into someone's home or into a store, Carter is always quick to remind me, "Mommy, don't touch! That's not ours. Don't touch, okay?".

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