Saturday, August 2, 2008

What's Happening With Us

Just a few updates, it has been kind of hard to blog with the boys keeping me so busy! Not much is going on with us. Dan was hoping to have found a new space for his office by now, so we are a little disappointed that we haven't found a space yet. The office is keeping him very busy, he is working very hard at the office, and then he has to come home and work hard! I expect him to help with the boys, but he also has MORE work to do while he is at home. So, he pretty much never gets a break. He also puts Carter to bed almost every night, which is a tremendous help.

Carter is a WONDERFUL big brother. We couldn't have asked for a better situation. He is very patient with Camden, and is working hard on learning to share his toys. If he takes one away from Camden, he is to immediately give him a new toy, his choice, so that way Camden doesn't find something else Carter has to take away. Carter enjoys feeding Cam, and loves to take care of him. If Cam is going towards Oreo's water or food, he screams out "Squishy is in trouble... help... help... Mommy... Squishy... water...!!!". It's too cute. However, it is only a matter of time before we are teaching him not to be a little tattle-tale, poor Carter. :)

Camden continues to delight us with his bubbly personality. He is always smiling, but can be very intense if something doesn't go his way. If Carter takes something away from him, he turns bright red immediately and lets out quite a holler. He is enjoying trying all sorts of new foods, but at this time, he and I are suffering from a thrush infection so I have been holding off on most foods lately. We are expecting two new upper teeth any day now, so between those and his thrush, his mouth is a little hostile at the moment. Camden spends most of his day following me around the house and playing with his big brother.

Me? Well, I am just busy being a Mommy.

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