Our Camden is 9 months old today. He currently has 2 teeth on the bottom, with 4 coming in ALL at once on the top! He loves to play with his big brother and has recently discovered the joy in torturing Oreo. He is one happy little guy, he laughs all the time and pretty much smiles constantly.
He stands on his own, and is dancing on a regular basis now. He loves to scream, make raspberries and he makes the most adorable sound with his cute little voice while flicking his tongue back and forth. We enjoy hearing his little gah-gahs, bah-bahs and goo-goos, and we have even been treated to a few priceless Ma-mas and Da-das.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot to mention that he is still putting everything in his mouth, but he is also enjoying the occasional banana and jar of baby food. He is like a baby bird when he sees the three of us sit at the dinner table. He crawls over as fast as he can and starts begging. He really enjoys eating! So, now we always put him in his hair chair to join us. This is how it should always have been, but if he had already eaten, I was wanting him to be able to play. But, he would rather sit with us and eat the occasional nibblet.
He also has fingernails like mini Samurai swords, and he knows how to use them! I hope he doesn't discover this talent later in life when he needs to defend himself against his big brother. ;) They hurt!
One thing I always forget to mention is the fact that Camden loves using straws. Ever since he mastered the art of "straw sucking", at the ripe old age of 5 months, he has stolen Carter's sipping cup from him on a regular basis. We think it's cute, Carter does not!
Friday, August 29, 2008
9 Months Old Today!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Well, It's Official

What Was That Noise?
Carter is still enjoying a few new favorite phrases, including; "I can't!" (used strategically when told to start getting ready for bed), "Um, no thanks" (his favorite when asked if he would like some green beans), "What was that noise?" (used when ever he a. hears something or b. he has nothing better to say - this one can get on our nerves a little bit), "There's a dinosaur chasing me!", "Can't find me", his ultimate, all time favorite..."Watch me Mommy, watch me...look at me!", and just about anything he can repeat a few hundred times in a given day.
Camden started dancing yesterday. I will have to get it on video, it is so super cute. He bops along to anything with a beat, including my botched attempts at singing!
He also waved, or tried to wave, for the first time today. His JaJa waved hello to him, and he copied. He is growing up so fast!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Fireman Squishy
Carter put his fireman hat on Squish tonight and he absolutely loved it! As soon as we put the hat onto his head, he started giggling, smiling and crawling around the house just as happy as could be. It was so cute!
My friend Felicia and her girls came over to play the other day, and Camden had fun flirting with baby Caroline. She is his new girlfriend!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Carter says the funniest things. We just love to hear what he has to say everyday. He was outside playing with Oreo the other day, and when I asked him what he was doing, he replied, "I'm woofing with Oreo".
His new favorite saying is "No it's not".
Me: Carter, is the sky blue?
Carter: No it's not.
Me: Carter, you silly boy, of course the sky is blue.
Carter: No it's not.
He also loves to misuse the word, sometimes.
Me: Carter, come over here and play with your trains with me.
Carter: Coming Mommy.
(Carter arrives)
Me: Hey buddy.
Carter: Hey, Mommy?
Me: Yes sweetheart?
Carter: Sometimes?
He is also one polite little boy. If you ask him if he would like something, he is always saying "Um, no thank you".
I was frantically cleaning the house the other morning because there were things strewn everywhere. The kitchen was a disaster area and needed straightening up badly. As I started cleaning the house, I told Carter I couldn't play with him at the moment because the house was a mess. He looked puzzled for a second and then said, "Mommy, the house isn't a mess. The kitchen is a mess". He is just so darn cute, I can't stand it! :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Carter's New Do!
We Love You Carter!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ring Around the Rosie
Our little Cam Cam has been positively miserable these past few days. He woke up with a fever on Sunday morning, and the 103.5 temp continued for three days. He was so out of it. At first we thought he was teething, but once the fever lasted for three days, we knew something else was going on. I have been very concerned about him. The two of us have been spending these past few nights cuddling with each other. He didn't want to be put down, he only wanted to be held and rocked. He has even been refusing feeds, which is not good. Tonight I noticed a rash spreading up his belly and onto his neck.
High fever for three days? Then breaking out into a rash? Roseola would be the correct diagnosis. Thanks Mom! It is so nice to have a pediatric nurse for a mother.
So our Camden has the "three day measles". This is why I haven't called for a play date this week Christine!
Please help us pray for a speedy recovery for our sweet little baby.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sunday Blues
My Mom just left after a nice three day visit. I miss her already!!! She is so extremely helpful when she visits. She helps me around the house, does the laundry (folds AND puts away!), and takes over caring for the boys. She rocks! It had been almost four months since we have seen her, so it was a VERY welcome visit. As you can imagine Camden had changed quite a bit since she had seen him last. I just hope it isn't another four months before we see her again. Mom, if you are reading this...PLEASE COME BACK!!! :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I NEED Sugar
When Carter was a baby, we promised ourselves that Carter wouldn't have sugar for many years to come. However, through the miscellaneous innocent samplings of ice cream (Grammie!) and the "right of passage" gifts of lollipops (Papa!), Carter has became all too aware of sugar.
I try very hard to educate him about the negative health effects of sugar and how there are many other, better, options out there for snacks and meals. I taught him that "sugar" here in the south means hugs and kisses. So, lately when the word sugar comes up in our house I shower him with hugs and kisses. Being a smart two year old, he has picked up on this quickly. Now, when he says he "needs" sugar, he says, "I need sugar...I need to eat it Mommy. I want to put it in my mouth". I guess it would be really hard to teach him to eat hugs and kisses. Sigh, I digress.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
What's Happening With Us
Just a few updates, it has been kind of hard to blog with the boys keeping me so busy! Not much is going on with us. Dan was hoping to have found a new space for his office by now, so we are a little disappointed that we haven't found a space yet. The office is keeping him very busy, he is working very hard at the office, and then he has to come home and work hard! I expect him to help with the boys, but he also has MORE work to do while he is at home. So, he pretty much never gets a break. He also puts Carter to bed almost every night, which is a tremendous help.
Carter is a WONDERFUL big brother. We couldn't have asked for a better situation. He is very patient with Camden, and is working hard on learning to share his toys. If he takes one away from Camden, he is to immediately give him a new toy, his choice, so that way Camden doesn't find something else Carter has to take away. Carter enjoys feeding Cam, and loves to take care of him. If Cam is going towards Oreo's water or food, he screams out "Squishy is in trouble... help... help... Mommy... Squishy... water...!!!". It's too cute. However, it is only a matter of time before we are teaching him not to be a little tattle-tale, poor Carter. :)
Camden continues to delight us with his bubbly personality. He is always smiling, but can be very intense if something doesn't go his way. If Carter takes something away from him, he turns bright red immediately and lets out quite a holler. He is enjoying trying all sorts of new foods, but at this time, he and I are suffering from a thrush infection so I have been holding off on most foods lately. We are expecting two new upper teeth any day now, so between those and his thrush, his mouth is a little hostile at the moment. Camden spends most of his day following me around the house and playing with his big brother.
Me? Well, I am just busy being a Mommy.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Picture Post