Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our Trip to Ohio

We went out on Dan's brother's yacht on the 4th. We had a front row seat for the fireworks in downtown Cleveland and all the other towns along Lake Erie. It was an incredible show. The only downfall were the ocean like swells rocking the yacht back and forth at 30 degree angles. We were all falling all over the place, kind of funny!

Carter driving the yacht.

The Cleveland Yacht Club was treated to a beautiful sunset. It was absolutely amazing!

Camden trying out John's boyscout hat.

Carter's first roller coaster ride with Daddy and cousins Kira and John.
Carter had so much fun at the Kiddie Park. He was so upset when we had to leave. I really wish we had one of those in our area. Any one interested in investing in one?
Grammie hanging out with the kids.
Camden being cute!

1 comment:

Ava said...

It looks like you guys had a wonderful time!