Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our Carter

Carter has been sleeping in his big boy bed now for the past three days! Things are going extremely well, but for some reason he is now afraid of the dark and of monsters. I guess cribs make children feel very safe.
The other day I took the boys to the grocery store and placed them both into the big huge car cart, you know, that huge cart that is impossible to navigate around the aisles? Well, as soon as I put them in, Carter immediately started pretending to drive with the fake steering wheel. While he was moving his hands back and forth, I noticed he had his hand up by his ear as if talking on the cell phone. Hmmmmm, wonder who he was copying? The funniest part was he was mumbling and carrying on imitating my voice inflections and he sounded just like me! It sounded something like this, "Hi, yeah Carter, blah, blah, blah, I know, can you believe it? Carter, blah, blah, blah, blah, okay bye I love you". It was super funny and super cute!