We finally made it out of UNC hospital around 1pm (quite the fiasco). Carter was with both grandmothers as we arrived home. We had a plan to make this introduction very positive for Carter so we had Thomas the Train choo-choos ready. We came in the door and Carter, very happy to see Mommy, wonders what we have in tow. He immediately climbs up on the kitchen chair to see and began to point out body parts and saying "baby". I slowly took Camden out of his carrier and Carter apparently wants to hold him (as you can see in the pictures). It was unbelievably cute. After Carter holds Camden for about 2 mins, he then proceeded to pass him around from me, to Grammie, to Mommy, then finally to Nana. He also gave Camden quite a kiss. Seemingly, at the blink of an eye, after apparently remembering that we told him weeks ago that Camden was going to bring him choo-choos, says "where's choo choo?" Carter then runs over to the foyer to try to find his trains and there they were. So funny! He then lost all focus on Camden as we had suspected.
Needless to say, all is great and we hope to see everyone soon.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!They're both so cute!Remember, the horse is available for Carter. Just give me a call!
Maya Kelley
Good Show!! I love the pictures and Blog. Congratulations to ALL. I can't wait to visit! Pattie
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