Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, today will mark a week since the "Diaper Fairy" came and took away all of Carter's diapers. They're gone. For good. No more diapers for Carter. I chose to go the good'ole fashioned rubber pants route and they are definitely serving their purpose.

I have to say, he is doing really well. Over the past seven days, he has only had a few accidents, and I could count them on one hand. He has actually been keeping his pull-up dry during nap time and at night! I am thoroughly expecting a few periods of regression, but all-in-all, he's doing great!

I am so glad that he is out of diapers!


As of June 1 Carter is doing a wonderful job!!! There has only been a small handful of accidents. YES!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Conversation With a Three Year Old

Me: Carter! Ni Hao Kai Lan is coming on next. Yay!
Carter: No it's not.
Me: Um, yes it is Honey.
Carter: No it's not.
Me: Honey, are you arguing with me?
Carter: Uh-huh. Yes I am.
Me: Carter, it's not nice to argue with people.
Carter: Yes it is.
TV playing NOGGIN in the background: Ni Hao Kai Lan is coming up next.
Carter: See, told you Mommy.

I give up.