Monday, April 27, 2009

Trip to PA

We took a trip to PA last weekend to visit with Dan's Nana, Uncle Bill and Aunt Eileen.

We stopped at IKEA on the way home to get the boys out of the car for a while. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Carter loved the peek-a-boo chair. Unfortunately, they were $80 a piece!

Squishy getting adjusted by the other Dr. Mudryk, Dan's uncle.

The boys had an absolute blast riding around in Nana's portable chair. It was a hoot!

Nana and Carter

Uncle Bill broke out the lawn mower.

Aunt Eileen and Carter

Dan, Carter and Uncle Bill went to a HUGE train museum. Carter was in Heaven!

Our "cool dudes" chilling in I-95 traffic. Ahhhh, I-95, isn't it just the best!?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

He is Just So Cute!

Carter says the cutest things sometimes. A few things are coming to mind and I didn't want to forget to make a note of them.

  • Every once in a while, Carter will get a surprised look on his face and say, "Oh! My ear just turned on". He says this when his ear must be ringing. :)
  • Tonight when I tucked him into bed, he told me that his elbow was broken and that he needed to see Dr. Horowitz...on a Sunday...during the Summer. Geesh! Anything to get a lollipop.
  • The other day Carter panicked and said that he had something in his eye. After rubbing it for a while and fluttering his eyelashes he calmly said, "Oh, never mind. It's just an eyeball". LOL

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Oh, mistake. It's go ON the potty, not IN the potty. DOH!"

After the eggciting Easter egg hunt at Grammie's and Jaja's house Camden needed a break. We had a delicious ham dinner to round out our Easter festivities.

The Easter Bunny came!!! Oh, and how awfully tacky of him to leave the price tag on the Wall*E gift. Gees.

The Easter Bunny hid Carter's basket in a very high place. When we told Carter to look for it, he walked RIGHT to it and found it even though it was almost impossible for him to see. We couldn't believe it! I am so sorry we didn't get that on video. Either he is psychic, or the Easter Bunny talked to him in his dreams.

Dying the Easter eggs.

Hanging with our bestest friends, Auntie Fefes (Felicia), Savannah and Caroline.

I am so glad we have this swing set!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Grammie came over for a birthday dinner and Camden helped her put on her slippers.

Carter built a train, complete with a smoke stack and tender.

The newest Craigslist find for the boys. They LOVE it! I am so excited about this. AND you can tell how bad our pollen is right now...check out all of those yellow spots!!! "Ahh-Choo!!!"

Nanna cuddling with the boys.

Camden, yes Camden, LOVES to go on the big boy potty. He started telling me the other day that he had to "poop" and he was trying to pull down his pants and knocking on the bathroom doorknob. I can't believe that our 15 month old might be potty trained before our 3 year old.

Daddy's home!!!

The boys "reading" the uses for Desitin. Great stuff.


Wait, where'd you go? I can't see you...wait, let me get Grammie's glasses.

"Ahhhhhhh, that's better."

"Watch this!"

"Hey Doo!"

Aunt Heather's new van illustrated by the famous artiste Master Carter.