Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Little Gym
I am part of a stay at home Mom's meet-up group in my area, and there are scheduled events everyday! Last week, we had the chance to try out our local Little Gym. The boys loved it! I need to sign them up for classes so we can go every week.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Camden is WALKING!
Now that we are all starting to feel better, I must get this posted! This entry is L O N G overdue but Camden officially has his two front teeth (and the two on the side for a grand total of four top teeth!), and he is WALKING!
He has been taking a few steps here and a few steps there for a while now, but four days ago he took around 8 steps before he decided crawling was more fun. He was standing with a toy in his hand and while looking down at it, just started walking. I don't think he even knew what he was doing. But, now he is walking for stretches at a time. He acts like he gets bored with it, and starts crawling again.
Carter likes to crawl around the floor with him, so he probably thinks crawling is more fun! I will post pictures of our new upright biped soon.
Friday, October 10, 2008
We Are All Sick!

Serious prayers are needed. Camden is still throwing up on day four and now Dan is sick. This intestinal/stomach bug is a doosey. I have had a pretty hard time taking care of two sick kids while getting sick myself. Thank the Lord Carter is feeling better. This is NOT pretty.
Monday, October 6, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008
Ten Months Old
Our Squishy is now officially ten months old. He is sporting a mouthful of five teeth, an adorable 50's style hair curl and a deliciously chubby booty (only Moms get to say things like that!). Camden has started walking behind his push toys and has taken a few steps here and there on his own. He thoroughly enjoys every minute of chasing Carter around the house. The two of them get into such trouble...and Cam is the instigator! When we go to the playground, his favorite thing is the swing. He cries when I have to take him out. He loves it! His favorite fruit is pears and he also loves freeze dried apple slices from Wholefoods. His favorite veggie? None other than the coveted sweet potato.