I just wanted to let everyone know what a joy Camden is. He is just such a little sunshine! He loves his Mommy too, boy let me tell you. He follows me EVERYWHERE! He is always giggling and smiling and we just love having him around, he is so much fun. I love my Squishy!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Our Squishy
Cute Story
The other day I had to put Carter "in charge of watching" Camden while I ran into the other room to grab some laundry. They were playing in our Master bedroom. When I came back, I found them both in the bathroom exploring. Carter was opening each drawer and explaining to Camden what was in it and who's drawer it was. "This is Daddy's drawer with his brush and this is Mommy's drawer with her brush, okay?". Camden just sat on the floor looking up at Carter and listening as though he understood. Carter is SUCH a wonderful big brother. Camden is super lucky!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Number Two, Number Two and a First
Well, Carter FINALLY did it. He finally went number two on the big boy potty. I was so super proud of him. He earned himself a brand spank'in new Culdee and the Apple Orchard Cars from Thomas and Friends. He was so determined to go when he knew what the treat would be. He tried with all his might...and it worked! Yay CARTER! We are so proud of you.
As for the second, second...Camden has his second tooth! I realized his lower, middle left tooth has finally broken through. Phew, poor guy, that was a toughy for him. The first one, the one on the right, seemed to breeze right on through effortlessly.
The boys took their first real bath together. They thoroughly loved it, and they bathe together now every bath. So there you have it...just a bunch of firsts and seconds going on with us.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Our New Wheels
Dan and I went to a local bike shop yesterday and picked up a new bike for us to ride. I have a bike, but it is 15 years old! So, needless to say, it was time. I really want to start riding again, so I am very excited. I just took it for a quick spin and I love, Love, LOVE it! It really is amazing how darn efficient bikes are as a mode of transportation.
Dan's brother has a bike, that is similar, that I rode while we were up in Cleveland and I was reminded about how much I like riding. I am looking forward to when the boys are old enough to ride bikes so we can all go as a family.
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Tooth Hurts
We had to stop several times to calm Camden down on the way home from Ohio. It appeared as though he has another tooth about to erupt and it was making him extremely fussy! We had to exit off the highway and go find a drugstore to get some Orajel to help with the pain.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Our Trip to Ohio