Carter says the cutest things. He is so sweet when he doesn't know where Camden is. He looks around asking, "Where'd baby go? Where's Cam Cam?". I usually put Carter in the car first, and then run back in to get the baby. When I am putting Carter into his seat he won't stop telling my I forgot the baby... "Mommy, where's the baby? Go get the baby"...etc.
If Camden is sleeping, Carter is sure to tell everyone that "Baby's seepin, shhhhhhhh". When we go in to get Camden in the morning, Carter runs to the co-sleeper and says "Hi Cam, good morning Cam", and he gives him kisses. I am cherishing this time, because I know it is only a matter of time before Camden is stealing Carter's toys and the fighting begins.
Carter is also quite the backseat driver already. He tells me when to go and stop, and when cars are coming. When I am stopped at a red light, he hollers at the cars in front of us and says "Go! Go car go!", he hates to stop. He also tells cars to stop when they are getting too close to us. I hope he is this careful when he is sixteen and cruising around in my mini-van!!!
Two nights ago, Camden slept from 7:40 until 4:20...you do the math. Amazing, I know. Now, last night he slept from 8:00 until 5:00!!! Holy Mackeral. Carter didn't sleep that long until he was a year old. I am so thrilled that Camden appears to be a better sleeper. I slept like a rock for the first time in months.
Carter also used the potty again yesterday. He tells us a little too late, but I'll take late rather than never. He still manages to get there in time to see a little of his "work" in the potty. I am tickled to think he may be potty trained soon. Less diapers would be terrific! Now the hard part, jumping up and down to the potty, upon Carter's demand, right when I sit down to nurse Camden.
Well, today was the day. Carter went poo-poo in the potty today...TWICE! We are so proud of him. I am not sure if he wants to do it again anytime soon, only time will tell. We're not quite ready to run out and buy big boy undies, but we are still excited. YEAH CARTER!!!
We were able to enjoy a wonderful walk at the Apex Reservoir Lake over the weekend. The weather was beautiful, and the ducks were hungry! Getting some fresh air was nice, and it had been so long since we walked around the lake. They have a wonderful little walkway/dock out onto the water where you can walk and feed the birds. One thing we learned however is to be certain that we don't bring yucky bread with us, it's quite possible that Carter ate more than he gave out. Camden slept the whole time making it easy to enjoy Carter and all of his antics. Dan was even able to pet some of the geese!
It appears as though Carter's evil impostor has gone on vacation. The past few days with Carter have been so much better. I keep telling Dan that our Car Car is back! He is waking up happy, and for the most part acting "normal". I wonder if his molars were bothering him, or maybe he was not feeling well. Let's hope that his impostor likes it in Bora Bora.
Look up the definition of unconditional love, and you will find a picture of my Car-Car. Poor Carter, he had the roughest day yet. It started rough with him breaking the facade off the front of my dresser. Then, he placed all of Oreo's breakfast into his water dish. The day was not off to a good start. I had to call Grammie and have her come over to help me keep my sanity. She stuck around the whole day and helped me with the boys, God love her. We had some good laughs during the course of the day. Oh, I love my Carter.
Someone must be sneaking into Carter's room late at night and instructing him on how to behave like a two year old. I can only assume it is the How-to-be-a-two-year-old Fairy. This morning he told me what he wanted to wear, and vetoed my vote for clothes with tears. Gees! First he protests every single meal...now getting dressed every morning is going to be a challenge. He thinks he can eat snacks all day long, and refuses to sit with us at meal time. We have to chase him around the house and strap him into his seat. It is a good thing that he is so darn cute or I may just return him to the store! :) I am really enjoying Squishy right now though, he smiles and coos a lot and is really starting to cry a LOT less. He really only cries in the car now. He is starting to enjoy his Kick & Play baby seat. He kicks as hard as he can to make the music and lights turn on, it is too cute!!!
I am well on my way to learning about what sleep is again. Camden is actually the one teaching me! He has been sleeping pretty well lately. It took Carter months and months before sleeping 5-6 hours in a row. However, Squishy seems to be on his way to making it a habit. Yeah Squishy!!! As your Mommy....thank you, thank you, thank you. Now...let's see if we can make it 7-8 hours tonight. Okay, maybe that's asking too much, I don't want to push my luck. The interesting thing is, is that I seem to be suffering from "too much on the brainsomnia". I wake up before Squish, and then I can't go back to sleep, regardless of how tired I am. I wish I knew how to turn off my brain for a while.
Well it had to be our turn eventually, both of the boys are sick. Carter is absolutely miserable and is driving me bonkers!!! This is Camden's second cold, and he just turned ten weeks today! Ugh. Carter didn't catch his first cold until he was four months old. O'well.
On the bright side, my husband has a wonderful child free outing planned for Valentine's Day. :)