Thursday, February 4, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
We celebrated Carter's fourth birthday today at Chuck E. Cheese, where else!? He enjoyed his day full of fun, his friends Savannah and Caroline, his family of course, and last but not least...sugar. I will post pictures later, but for your enjoyment, here is a video of Camden singing Happy Birthday to his big brother!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Halloween, Thanksgiving and Birthdays...Oh My!
I have been the blogging slacker of all slackers lately. Actually, the truth is the boys have me running ragged. Camden just turned two on the 29th of November and Carter will be turning 4 on the 9th of January! With Christmas conveniently sandwiched in between those two days, the boys are in for an exciting three months.
Camden is enjoying verbal freedom running around the house screaming "mine" and all sorts of other words that drive Mommy crazy. Some of the ones that daddy likes are; hot-dog, eyebrow, Santa Clause and HO-HO-HO, which go right along with the current season. The boys have asked Santa to bring the Leapsters- well, Carter has asked for one but Camden has no idea what he is talking about!
Carter was Mater (from Disney's Cars movie) and Camden was an elephant for Halloween. For Thanksgiving, Dan's parents and my parents came along with my sister Heather and her children and my brother. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving feast complete with a 25 pound turkey!
For Camden's birthday, we held a 60th birthday party for my Mom as well. EVERYONE came, I mean EVERYONE! It was great. Besides the brother-in-laws, we had the WHOLE Magee, Collins, and Fennel families as well as uncle David and Dan's parents.
We are thoroughly enjoying the boys and love that they are best friends. They keep us on our toes EVERYminute of the day, but time is flying by so fast that we are trying to take it in and enjoy it!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It's About Time!
August and September just flew by! We were all busy recovering from surgery (Bonnie) and traveling to the beach. Bonnie's friend Amy came up from Atlanta with her two girls to help Bonnie take care of the boys/house after her surgery. While Amy was still here, we all went to the beach and had a wonderful time.